CFD simulation for Energy Optimization

The course will give the required knowledge to do CFD predictions using computational fluid dynamic. Moreover, the participants will be given an introduction to Steady sate and transient solution in addition to LES, DES, and  RANS.

we3 s34

The course will also transfer knowledge and special skills related to wind energy power prediction tool using CFD simulation. The idea is to provide specialized training and knowledge to industry, utilities and various governmental implementing agencies.


Course Outline:

  • Introduction to CFD
  • Introduction to Heat and Mass transfer
  • Lecture on Pre- processor (geometry and boundary condition)
  • Lecture on solver including steady state and transient
  • Lecture on different solver methodology including LES, DES and RANS
  • lecture on Post- processing
  • Bench-marking Ansys vs OpenFoam
  • practical session: Group work and project
