SSE at MYh
“The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan-MYh) is responsible for Higher Vocational Education in Sweden (HVE) and the key function is to ensure that HVE programmes meet the labour market’s needs for qualified workforce.
Higher Vocational Education (Yrkeshögskolan) is a post-secondary form of education that combines theoretical and practical studies in close cooperation with employers and industry. Programmes are offered in specific fields where there is an explicit demand for competence.
Combining theory and practice – workplace training forms an integral part of the programmes.
- Hundreds of programmes available nationwide.
- The largest number of programmes offered is in the field of Business Finance and Administration, along with Sales and Manufacturing Technology. Other prominent areas include IT, Hospitality and Tourism, Health Care and Agriculture.
- All programmes are at a post-secondary level and qualify for student financial aid from the Swedish Board of Study Support (CSN).
- After graduating from an HVE programme, students are qualified to go straight into employment.
- Standards are set high in HVE programmes. Students are highly goal-oriented, looking to further themselves professionally.
- Some programmes charge tuition fees, although most of them are free of charge.
Higher Vocational Education is delivered in cooperation between education providers and those employers and industries affected by the programme. All programmes therefore have a strong emphasis on workplace training.
Employers and industry representatives play a significant role in the planning of an HVE programme and influence on its content. Employers and industry contribute to and influence the programme content by taking part as lecturers, joining in projects, welcoming study visits and by offering work placements.”